Florida will begin enforcing $5,000 fine for seeking COVID vaccine proof

Vaccine Card – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by vovidzha According to a Department of Health rule issued last Friday, Florida will begin to issue $5,000 fines to schools, businesses, and government agencies that require visitors or customers to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination. Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill earlier this year that

More than 10,000 students in Hillsborough County isolated or quarantined a week into new school year

COVID-19 Quarantine – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Halfpoint Just a week into the 2021-2022 school year, over 10,000 students and staff in the Hillsborough County Public Schools district have been either quarantined or isolated as districts throughout the entire state struggle throughout the fight against COVID-19. With more than 213,000 students, Hillsborough is the

South Florida boaters warned not to take part in flotilla to Cuba

Support of Protestors in Cuba – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Fernando Media MIAMI, Fla. – With several reports of South Florida boaters planning to set sail and travel to Cuba in an attempt to show support for the protests going on, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is warning sailors to think twice about

Orange County, Florida mayor asks residents to continue wearing masks regardless of vaccination status

Woman with Face Mask – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by JDzacovsky The Mayor of Orange County, Florida, is asking residents to wear face masks inside as the county’s COVID-19 positivity rates continue to climb.  According to Mayor Jerry Demings, the county’s fourteen-day rolling positivity rate currently sits at 7.78%. “Two weeks ago on June 28,

People take to streets of Miami and Cuba to demand freedom for struggling island nation

Caravan and Protest Cuba – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Domitille P MIAMI, Fla. – Major changes could be on their way in Cuba. On Sunday, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in the struggling island nation to protest against Miguel Díaz-Canel’s brutal regime. The Cubans marched on Havana’s Malecon promenade and other parts

Florida’s Board of Education bans ‘Critical Race Theory’ from school curriculum

Courtesy: Joe Raedle/Getty Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives away a pen after holding a bill signing ceremony at the Florida National Guard Robert A. Ballard Armory on June 7, 2021, in Miami, Florida. DeSantis moved on Thursday to ban critical race theory from being taught in Florida schools. Florida is the latest state to join

White House releases “Need for Action in Florida” infrastructure fact sheet plan

Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by yuttana Contributor Studio Recently, the Biden White House Administration has been making a push for a massive $2.3 trillion infrastructure package that would address specific needs spanning an expanded field of jobs sectors across the country. Billed as “a once-in-a-generation investment in America” by President Joe Biden, the proposed plan

Altmed Florida brings popular edible Medical Cannabis brand Wana Brands to its Dispensaries

Edible THC-infused medical marijuana gummies – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image By Marla Diaz Medical marijuana patients in Florida now have access to some of the most potent and effective cannabis-infused edibles on the market. Altmed, the parent company of MÜV dispensaries, has partnered up with Wana Brands in an exclusive agreement to bring the sought after

Florida-Georgia river system battle will be heard by U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court. Courtesy: Image by Mark Thomas from Pixabay The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a long-awaited case about a river system that lies along the Florida-Georgia state line next month. After years of back and forth arguments, the case about dividing the water in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint river system stretching from Florida’s

Florida becomes largest clean-air state in the nation; meets all EPA air-quality standards

Courtesy: EPA meeting at Simmons Park, Ruskin, Fla. Photo by EPA The United States Environmental Protection Agency announced on Thursday, Oct. 22, that Florida satisfied all six of its air quality standards. Ruskin, Fla., was the site of the news conference that held the announcement. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Deputy Secretary for Regulatory Programs