National Pretzel Day 2022: Where you can find free twisty treats in Florida

National Pretzel Day — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Dmitry SKilkov Stanley Hudsons of the world, rejoice!  National Pretzel Day is Tuesday, April 26, and if you’re anything like “The Office” character Stanley, whose favorite day of the year is when a pretzel cart visits Dunder Mifflin Paper Co., then you’ll want to find out where you

Florida gas prices slowly coming down after 10 cent spike

Pumping Gas During Increasing Gas Prices — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Maridav Florida gas prices continue to decrease after rising 10 cents last week. The Sunshine State’s average rose from $4.01 to $4.11 per gallon. Now, drivers are paying an average price of $4.10 per gallon.  “The rollercoaster ride at the pump continues,” said Mark Jenkins,

Florida Panthers are thunderstruck after 8-4 loss to Tampa Bay Lightning

Florida Panthers at FLA Live Arena — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Ben Ezra SUNRISE, Fl. — All good things came to an end for the Florida Panthers on Sunday night. Their franchise-record winning streak found its demise after facing the Tampa Bay Lightning in the last game of the season. The Panthers, who won their 13th

Human activity has been directly linked to red tide in Southwest Florida thanks to new study

Red Tide — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Alfred Rowan According to a new study, human activity and red tide have now been linked. Researchers linked blooms in Charlotte Harbor and its surrounding coastal areas to nitrogen flowing from Lake Okeechobee, the Caloosahatchee River, and areas upstream of the lake. Outbreaks of red tide are caused by

Florida judge rules CDC mask mandate for planes, trains as ‘unlawful’

Mask Mandate Protest — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Steve Sanchez Photos On Monday, a federal judge from Florida struck down the Biden administration’s mandate that masks be worn aboard buses, trains, planes, and other public transportation, leading to an immediate change in policy for air travelers and rail customers. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle for

11-foot hammerhead shark washes up on southern Florida beach

Hammerhead Shark — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Ken Keifer Much to beachgoers’ surprise, an impressive 11-foot hammerhead shark washed up on a beach in southern Florida. Pompano Beach visitors encountered the shark’s corpse on April 6, according to CNN affiliate WPLG. After moving the body away from curious onlookers, scientists from the American Shark Conservancy took

Fuzzy caterpillars that leave painful, stinging rashes appear in Florida

White Marked Tussock Moth Fuzzy Caterpillars — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Satyashutter Florida officials are warning of fuzzy caterpillars that leave stinging rashes when touched. The white-marked tussock moth caterpillar may have beautiful markings, but be careful! You’ll only want to look, not touch.  “In the past, we have seen outbreaks where people get concerned naturally

Ford patents new innovative multifunction car visor

Ford Patents Multifunction Car Visor – Photo Source/Copyright: Ford First came the visor, followed by the addition of mirrors and lights–but what’s coming next? If Ford gets its way, the visor should receive a few interesting tweaks. Bosch first developed its virtual visor a couple of years ago, but that innovation hasn’t made it to

Gulfstream Park’s new Carousel Club is the latest outdoor lounge in South Florida

Courtesy: Carousel Club Website Carousel Club, the new outdoor entertainment spot at The Village at Gulfstream Park, is the latest close relative of The Wharf to pop up in South Florida. The only difference between the two is the horses, of course. The 14,000-square-foot open-air lounge, which features two bars, a large tented space, a

Florida health officials warn of ‘alarming’ outbreak of meningococcal disease

Meningococcal Disease — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Steph Photographies Florida health officials are warning residents about an ‘alarmingly large’ outbreak of a potentially fatal bacterial illness known as meningococcal disease. Meningococcal disease commonly leads to two possibly fatal infections—meningitis, when the lining of the spinal cord and brain become infected, and a bloodstream infection. The disease