HMG and LGES sign memorandum of understanding to produce BEV batteries in the U.S.

Signers of BEV memorandum – Photo Source/Copyright: Kia Media In case there was any lingering skepticism, the 2020 semiconductor chip scarcity continues to have an impact on cars worldwide. It initially resulted in collecting funding and forging agreements to obtain their own private stock of chips, which then prompted manufacturers to build facilities for the

Kia joins Deutsche Bahn for electric vehicle battery recycling

Kia vehicle at DB – Photo Source/Copyright: Kia Media Battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) continue to grow in popularity in the automotive market, and that’s an extra plus for the environment! Fewer fossil fuels, zero emissions, and a much more sustainable fuel source, however, how does this impact the environment? Mining for the

South Florida Automotive Icon Rick Case Dies at 77

Photo by Rick Case via South Florida automotive pioneer Rick Case has died from an aggressive form of cancer at the age of 77. Case passed away peacefully in his home, surrounded by family members, a spokeswoman for the family said. Case passed away on Monday, September 21. Rick Case was originally from Akron,