Florida’s best pet insurance in 2023

Vet examining pet dog & cat — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Image by: FamVeld If your pet becomes sick or hurt, a pet insurance policy can prevent expensive trips to the veterinarian. Accidents and medical care for many different illnesses are both covered by insurance. For your pet’s long-term medical needs, several insurers also provide optional

5,000-mile-wide blob of seaweed can make beachgoers sick

Sargassum (seaweed) pollution — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Bret Reyes Seaweed blobs that smell terrible are already washing up on Florida’s shores. According to Brian Lapointe, a research professor at Florida Atlantic University, they’ve “already seen some of this arriving in Key West.” It’s not simply smelly, he claimed. As more wash up on the shore,

According to the EPA, Florida possesses the majority of the nation’s lead pipes

A new Environmental Protection Agency assessment estimates that 9.2 million lead pipes provide water to houses across the U.S., with more in Florida than any other state. The results of this survey will determine how billions of dollars will be spent to locate and replace these pipes. In the poll that was made public on

Deadly fungal infection spreading at alarming rate throughout Florida

Lab tech testing fungal infection in petri dish – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by angellodeco A dangerous fungus that preys on patients with serious medical issues is spreading throughout hospitals and other healthcare institutions, prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to issue an alert. The fungus kills 30–60 percent of those who contract

Florida-sold frozen meat and poultry products are being recalled

Poultry section at Publix supermarket – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Zoe Cappello Check the freezers! The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Friday that a frozen food company with headquarters in Plantation, Florida, has issued a recall for certain frozen meat and poultry items. Since they were not USDA-inspected before being sent to

Under a new law in Florida, rape victims are required to provide documentation and police reports in order to obtain abortions after six weeks

Protesting abortions at Supreme Court – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Wild 2 Free Beginning with the 15-week ban in 2022, Florida lawmakers introduced a six-week abortion ban to further restrict the ability of Florida moms to get the procedure. However, Senate Bill 300 and House Bill 7, collectively known as the “Pregnancy and Parenting

Parks & schools reopen as smoke conditions improve near Florida waste facility fire that has burned for over a week

Waste Facility Fire Up In Smoke – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by DifferR After a fire at a waste-to-energy factory in Doral, Florida, that has been burning for more than a week caused worries about the air quality, schools and parks will reopen on Tuesday. Although firefighters are still battling the fire, Miami-Dade County officials

Ravaging canine flu makes its way into the Sunshine State

Dog being nasal swabbed after suspected canine flu – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by yangtak In the U.S., a ravaging canine influenza virus is spreading. A highly contagious H3N2 virus outbreak has been reported by veterinarians in California, Texas, North Carolina, and now Florida. There is no proof, according to experts, that the virus spreads

Florida high school’s transgender bathroom ban is upheld by appeals court

Man Holding Transgender Flag – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by nito After a five-year legal battle, a Florida school district’s policy of dividing restrooms in schools according to biological sex has been upheld by a federal appeals court as being lawful. The St. Johns County School Board’s requirement that transgender students use facilities that correspond

Oysters sold at Publix and other Florida retailers are associated with a widespread norovirus outbreak

Oysters – Courtesy: Image by Plateresca from Shutterstock A recent norovirus outbreak related to raw oysters sold in Florida and seven other states is being looked into, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As of Thursday, 211 norovirus cases had been reported in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and