
The 5 Best Hidden Restaurants In Florida

Dixie Crossroads in Titusville, Florida, USA. Photo: If during these times you find your mind wandering about dining out again, you may want to head into these five hidden gems found all around Florida! From seafood to sandwiches to the Dessert of the Day, all of these restaurants are not well-known but may have

Florida Virus Expert Is Optimistic About Vaccines, Therapy to Treat COVID-19

A doctor is testing a sample of biological tubes contaminated by Covid-19 and searching for a vaccine. Photo: Morakot Kawinchan/ While conducting a webinar on Wednesday, April 22, Dr. Michael Farzan at Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter detailed preliminary research that could be a step towards creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Even as thousands die

Florida Aquarium’s Knobby Cactus Corals’ Birth Signifies Hope to Help Save the World’s Third Largest Coral Reef

A knobby cactus coral. Photo: Tina Sotis/ A species of coral reef has been bred in human care for the first time, a breakthrough that scientists in Florida say may help slow the decline of coral reef die-off. The ridged cactus coral reproduced for the first known time in a lab setting at the Florida

Florida High School Seniors to Graduate Virtually AND Attend In-Person Ceremonies After Stay-at Home Orders Expire

Students in the Little Miami High School Class of 2019 on Sunday, May 19, 2019. Photo: High school graduation is more than an end-of-the-year tradition in American high schools. It’s a right of passage in a way. To be able to go to a large venue in a cap and gown to celebrate four

‘State of the Air’ Report for 2020 Shows Mixed Rankings for Florida’s Air Quality

Air pollution in power plants in Florida, USA. Photo: Feng Cheng/ The Lung Association’s annual air quality “report card” tracks Americans’ exposure to unhealthful levels of particle pollution and ozone during a three-year period. The report found that nearly half of all Americans were exposed to unhealthy air in 2016-2018. In Tampa, St. Petersburg, and

Florida Drive-In Is the Only Place Movies are Being Shown At Right Now Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The only Florida movie theater showing movies right now during the COVID-19 shutdown. Photo: Maps That’s right. The box office is now limited to only a drive-in movie theater in Ocala, Florida. Even in the midst of a pandemic, owner John Watzke refused to close down his drive-in theater in Ocala, citing wanting to

Cicada Bugs Are Going to Be Swarming in Florida This Spring and Summer

Florida has a large variety of great natural sounds to look forward to. In fact, according to entomologists, 2020 might just bring about more cicadas than we are used to in Florida. We have our fair share of bugs here and they can be a nuisance, but sometimes, they can make nature beautiful with their

Teachers Union Asks Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to Keep Schools Closed Due to COVID-19 Outbreak

An empty school classroom. Photo: Monkey Business Images/ A teachers union on Tuesday, April 14 called on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to keep schools closed for the remainder of the school year. The Florida Education Association wants schools closed because the COVID-19 outbreak “presents a threat we cannot control.” Fedrick Ingram, president of the Florida

The Sun Will Come Out for Florida’s Tourism Industry Despite COVID-19 Shutdown

Downtown Miami, Florida, USA, and the port, seen from MacArthur Causeway at sunset. Photo: Dreamframer/ Florida’s economy depends heavily on travel and tourism. We all know that. It’s a scary time right now to even think about it but in the long run, this pandemic will affect our travel and tourism industry more than we

Florida Prepares for Hurricane Season Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Astronaut Nick Hague, aboard the International Space Station, posted this picture of Hurricane Dorian’s eye on Twitter on September 2, 2019. Dorian was a Category 4 at the time. Photo: NASA/ Caption from Florida’s residents and government officials are gearing up to face this reality even though the state is battling a global pandemic