Experts name Navarre Beach, Florida one of the best places to live in the U.S.

Navarre Beach, Florida — Courtesy: Image by McRonny from Pixabay The secret is out! Navarre, Florida’s population is exploding because it’s an amazing place to live according to experts. Navarre snagged a spot on the 2021-2022 Best Place to Live in the United States list by Money, coming in hot at No. 34. It was

Baby sea turtles are hatching along the Sunshine State’s beaches — Here’s what you can do to keep Florida’s sea turtles safe

Sea Turtle Hatchlings – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Kjersti Joergensen CLEARWATER, Fla. — Every sea turtle season, state wildlife officials make it a priority to remind beachgoers of the importance of keeping baby turtle hatchlings safe as they make their way to the ocean on their own. Throughout the weekend, Florida Fish and Wildlife

A summer of red tides has stacked 600 tons of dead fish and sea life on Florida beaches

Red Tide Beach Covered Dead Fish – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Mark Winfrey A red tide has made its way to the Gulf Coast of Florida, causing major problems for wildlife and its local communities. As of last week, more than 613 tons of fish and marine life in and near Tampa have been

Florida manatees dying in ‘unprecedented’ numbers, surpassing state’s annual record

Manatee Close-Up Portrait – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Andrea Izzotti So far, 2021 has been marked as the deadliest year for manatees in Florida’s recorded history. At least 841 manatees have died in Florida waters so far.  According to data collected from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), nearly 53 percent of

Florida takes significant step in unanimous approval of Florida Wildlife Corridor Act

Florida Panther Walks Through High Grass – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Jo Crebbin Packed between Florida’s two coasts are some of the most abundant ecosystems in the U.S., overflowing with wildlife that opts for being hidden from plain sight. The Florida Wildlife Corridor is roughly 18 million acres of natural wonder.  On Tuesday, Florida

Florida has a Coyote problem, and it’s only getting worse

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay Florida is known for its diverse wildlife—most of which is constrained to the confines of the Everglades. But just because we can’t see what’s out there, doesn’t mean we don’t know it exists. Thanks to documentaries, wildlife photographers, and preservation teams, Florida’s wildlife is well documented and preserved enough to

If Florida isn’t the mosquito Capital of the U.S. then who is?

Woman hiking and putting on bug spray – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by encierro Any Florida resident will tell you mosquitoes are a nuisance and that they are likely bitten thousands of times throughout the course of the year unless they stay inside the house.  A recent study conducted by pest control company Orkin revealed

Florida’s Manatee population is declining at an alarming rate—water conditions are to blame

Courtesy: Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay According to a recent Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission report, Florida’s manatee population is facing a sharp decline that could break historic records. Florida’s manatees, “sea cows” as they are called, are dying off at unprecedented rates in 2021, and experts believe the cause extends further beyond the

Save the Turtles: Florida’s Largest Sea Turtle Rescue Organization will face 60% staff reduction due to FWC permit ruling

Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Julian Wiskemann Save the turtles is more than just a movement, it’s a lifestyle for many who put their life’s work towards saving the endangered species. According to a press release this morning from the Sea Turtle Oversight Protection (S.T.O.P), the organization revealed that on April 28, 2021, Florida Fish

Is Florida the next Coffee King? UF Scientists believe climate change could soon allow farmers to grow coffee beans

Coffee Berries – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Aedka Studio Florida has been known as a major player in the citrus farming sector for decades, namely because of its production of orange juice and citrus products. In fact, in most seasons, Florida produces more than 90 percent of the country’s supply of orange juice and