Florida: Home to some of the most self-pampering citizens in the U.S.

Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by  Oksana Shufrych The Sunshine State has approached new levels of topping “best of” and similar rankings in 2021—some good and some bad. So far, Florida has managed to clinch top spots in:  U.S. News & World Report Best States in 2021 #10 Quietest National Parks #13, #15, #30  Deadliest National

The 5 Most Relaxing Spas in Florida

Image by Nico H. from Pixabay  Florida isn’t good for just our sandy beaches and fantastic summer weather all year round. Florida has some of the best wellness centers in the country. Don’t believe us? We invite you to visit one of the following five spas, the best Florida has to offer at that You’ll