The University of Miami is conducting a study on the effectiveness of a new COVID-19 test with Breath samples

Covid-19. Female nurse puts on protective gloves. Personal protective equipment in the fight against Coronavirus disease. Courtesy: Shutterstock – Photo By David Herraez Calzada Scientists at the University of Miami are researching the effectiveness of a breathalyzer style test that would yield results within minutes. The pilot program is aimed to test the alternative method of

University of Florida researchers are testing sewage water to track COVID-19

Courtesy: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay A new project is being conducted at the University of Florida by testing local sewage water to trace COVID-19. Yes. Water filled with human fecal matter and urine is being tested to track the virus. Researchers hope that by taking samples of sewage water from local manholes in

Florida families implore officials to drop “high-stakes” testing requirement for 2021 public-university admissions: Petition included

Courtesy: Image by F1 Digitals from Pixabay Florida tends to have an affinity for the dramatic. As of today, Oct. 20., 2020, Florida, is the only state that has yet to drop the requirement for high-stakes testing in their higher-education public school system for fall 2021 applications. This means any high school student with the