Alligators just want to have fun! Images taken in the Florida Everglades show predators at play

Alligators Florida Everglades — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Thierry Eidenweil Remarkable images posted to social media channels over the past week feature alligators playing with a football and chasing a remote control boat around a lake, seeming to confirm a Tennessee university study that found that crocodilians like to have fun too. An image posted to

Need some stress relief? SPCA Florida relaunches ‘Doggie Date’ program

Doggie Date — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Rita_Kochmarjova Need a companion to go shopping with you? How about a lunch date? If so, SPCA Florida is offering you the perfect addition through one of its programs. The “Doggie Date” program, which allows residents to take dogs of all shapes, sizes, and ages (six months old and

Tampa unseats Miami on Best Cities in America list for 2021

Tampa, Florida, USA downtown city skyline over the Hillsborough River – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by ESB Professional News Flash! There’s more to Florida than just Miami. While Miami is certainly the most well-known city in the Sunshine State for a number of reasons, people often forget about the other big cities that make Florida—well,

Florida Governor announces $150 million dedicated to upgrade state infrastructure targeted by hurricanes

Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Ian Francis Last Friday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced financial awards for infrastructure improvements at a news conference in Lakeland. Joined by Dane Eagle, executive director of the Department of Economic Opportunity, DeSantis announced the state will allocate an additional $150 million for state infrastructure. The main goal of the

5 Best Kid Attractions in Florida

Image by Dmitrii Bardadim from Pixabay  Daytona Lagoon, Daytona Daytona Lagoon is Daytona Beach’s best water park and the best place to get your fix of water slides, a wave pool and great family fun in general. It makes for an ideal water park due to its size and for the amount of fun activities