Understanding Florida’s ‘Anti-Riot’ bill—cracking down on protests in the state

Looted storefront business – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by magraphy Yesterday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis officially signed and approved a new measure that vows to crack down on rioting, property damage, and violence during protests. DeSantis called the new law the “strongest anti-rioting, pro-law enforcement measure in the country.” CS/HB 1 – Combating Public Disorder

2020: Florida’s year in review—Stories that made this year memorable

Happy New Year 2021 text on the beach. Abstract background photo of coming New Year 2021 and leaving the year of 2020 Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Maps Expert As the world begins to turn the page on 2020 and look forward to a new year in 2021, we at Florida Insider decided to compile

Protests in Florida Peaceful Despite Weekend Riots

Protesters gathered in downtown Orlando to show support for George Floyd on Saturday, May 30, 2020. George Floyd died after a confrontation while in police custody on Monday, May 25, 2020. Photo and Caption: Ira Bostic/Shutterstock.com Protests have erupted across the Sunshine State and nationwide after the May 25 death of George Floyd, a black