Why are unprecedented numbers of people moving from Florida?

Perdido Key, Florida — Courtesy: Shutterstock — George Dodd III One of the states with the quickest rates of growth has been Florida. The state is home to almost 22 million people, yet in 2023, a record amount of individuals moved out. More than half a million people departed Florida last year, the largest in

Due to people relocating from neighboring states, Florida’s population now exceeds 23 million for the first time

Population growth – Image: Driving on South Florida highway – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Julian Prizont-Cado According to state demographic projections, this year’s migration wave from neighboring states caused Florida’s population to surpass 23 million inhabitants for the first time. According to estimates provided earlier this month by the state Demographic Estimating Conference, Florida

Almost 500K residents have departed Florida. How far did they go?

City of Miami Beach, Florida Aerial Perspective — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Image by: Cascade Creatives Over a million people moved to Florida from all over the world in 2022, marking a significant increase in immigration from other states and nations. However, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that around 500,000 residents of the state departed for

Florida’s population is anticipated to grow somewhat more slowly

Florida population growth slows – Florida Welcomes You Sign – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Sean Pavone The Sunshine State’s population growth is coming to a halt as deaths outpace births and as a rush of people moving from other states due to the COVID-19 pandemic slows down. Still, with approximately 22.25 million residents as of