What are Automakers doing to revolutionize the car industry in 2021?

Photo Source/Copyright: Shutterstock via photographer Phonlamai Photo The better question to ask should be more along the lines of, what are automakers not doing in 2021 to revolutionize the sector? It’s no question that 2020 and some of 2021 brought on some of the hardest months in the modern era—for obvious reasons, of course. But

Driver’s Auto Guide to picking the right tires

Photo Source/Copyright: Shutterstock via photographer BELL KA PANG Picking the right tires is a fundamental and key part of the car-owning experience. Factors such as the kind of weather a certain region faces, make and model of the vehicle, and terrain the vehicle is driven on all influence the wear and tear our tires face.

8 Innovative Car Features carving a Path for the Future

Photo Source/Copyright: Shutterstock via photographer sdecoret It was not long ago that Bluetooth didn’t exist in our everyday vehicles. In fact, there are still vehicles out on the street today that are being driven without Bluetooth capability. Cars were invented with the intent of transporting people and goods from one point to the next without

Five High-Level Infotainment Systems you should know about in the Automotive World

Photo Source: Shutterstock via Blue Planet Studio Technology is at the forefront of virtually everything we use in our everyday lives. Whether it’s our smartphones, tablets, computers or mobile payment processing, tech is intertwined at every corner. It’s also becoming increasingly important to have the most updated technology and advanced systems in our vehicles to