The legality of internet sports betting in Florida could be determined as soon as a few weeks

Sports Betting Viewing Room – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Nick_Nick

There are two layers of court action, thus both state and federal courts are involved in the legal saga. Owners of the Bonita Springs Poker Room, West Flagler Associates, brought those legal actions.

“This is the battleground of the future of sports wager in Florida,” said Daniel Wallach, an attorney who specializes in sports gambling.

He asserts that West Flagler alleges that placing an internet sports wager on Seminole tribal grounds violates both state and federal law. A lawsuit is also pending against the governor.

“West Flagler’s Florida Supreme Court lawsuit argues Gov. DeSantis and the state legislature exceeded their constitutionally delegated powers,” Wallach said.

Gov. DeSantis must submit a brief in response by November 1 at the Florida Supreme Court’s request, and West Flagler has 20 days to do the same.

West Flagler is requesting that the U.S. Supreme Court take up a case that was dismissed by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

“West Flagler has indicated that it will be seeking an emergency stay before the United States Supreme Court,” Wallach said.

The choices will make or break you. If West Flagler wins one case, according to Wallach, there won’t be any online sports betting in Florida.

“The truth is the court system will determine whether online sports betting ever begins,” he said.

Keep in mind that the Seminole Tribe is still permitted to provide sports betting for the following 30 years, but only on their land.

“One way or another there will be closure at some point, but we’re likely a few months away,” Wallach said.

According to Wallach, convenience is a driving factor behind the desire for online sports betting.

In 2022, there will be roughly 19 million online sports bettors, according to Statista. That figure is projected to increase to 23.1 million in 2023.

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