Former president of Brazil relocates to a resort in Florida

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Iurii Dzivinskyi

Osceola County has found itself in the middle of the riots happening in Brazil. This is because former president Jair Bolsonaro is in the town and has been since right before his presidency came to an end. 

Several Brazilian media outlets are reporting that Bolsonaro is currently staying at AdventHealth Celebration with excruciating abdominal pain.

WESH 2 inquired about his condition with the hospital but hasn’t heard back as of yet. However, his wife provided some information on Instagram, stating that he is being watched due to abdominal pain from the effects of a stabbing he suffered in 2018.

As a result of the attack on the Brazilian Congress and presidential palace by tens of thousands of his supporters, numerous Democratic leaders have expressed their support for having him sent back to Brazil.

The attack came about a week after Bolsonaro was defeated and Lula da Silva was sworn in.

In a tweet, Congressman Darren Soto says “we strongly condemn the violent insurrection in Brazil. Like January 6th, this was another blow to democracy caused by another big lie.”

He continues and says the “U.S. supports the peaceful transfer of power there and will continue to work with duly elected Lula da Silva.”

Days before his term ended, Bolsonaro traveled to Florida, according to WESH 2 colleagues at NBC.

The Secret Service asked for a police escort to be available when he arrived, according to the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office.

His fans from the area have congregated in a house at the Encore Resort in Reunion where he is currently residing. They claim that Bolsonaro is the most honorable leader they have ever had and that those making assaults don’t speak for all of them.

“I want to tell him thank you for everything he’s done for us. Thank you for being the most honorable person that was in our leadership in Brazil,” one local woman said.

“It’s really sad because our people, the right people, would never do that, but we know we have the other people coming in and doing bad things just to blame us,” another resident said.

Bolsonaro has been admitted to the hospital several times since surviving a near-fatal stabbing in 2018. His wife’s social media posts continue and state that they are in prayer for both his health and the country of Brazil.

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