Florida Insider Recognized by Google as Credible News Source and listed on Google News App

Google News App displayed on smartphone. Courtesy: Shutterstock-photo By rafapress

It is with great pleasure that we announce to you—our readers, that Florida Insider has officially been listed on the Google News App as a credible news source and can be added to personal news feeds now! Available for download on all platforms and regions the Google News App is listed, you will receive up-to-date news as it comes off the press once you add Florida Insider to your feed.

Tailor your Google News feed and stay up-to-date with everything Florida related by adding Florida Insider to your “following” page. You’ll receive free news articles with no restrictions from us, granting you access to the most compelling, entertaining, and informative stories available.

As we continue to serve our Florida community with stories that impact and highlight this beautiful state, we will continue to distribute accurate and unbiased information, knowing the implications news has over an audience. It is with your continued support that we will grow beyond expectation and provide more unique and engaging content moving forward.   

Google News is a direct news aggregate distribution extension of the Google company. Verified news sites such as Florida Insider are listed on Google News based on search criteria and the outlet’s credibility. This is a critical step forward in our pledge to assisting and distributing fresh content to our readers and a trend we hope to continue building upon moving forward.

Stories that matter are our priority. At Florida Insider, we make sure that the information we provide our readers is accurate, easy-to-read, and informative. Whether you are interested in business, education, government, history, sports, real estate, nature, or travel: we have something for everyone. Follow along for the best stories in the Sunshine State.