A new measure in Florida would permit medical marijuana users to cultivate their own cannabis at home

Judge’s gavel with marijuana leaf next to it – Photo: TANYARICO/Shutterstock.com Some individuals would be able to grow marijuana at home under a new bill that was submitted to the Florida Senate. After voters rejected an amendment to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older, lawmakers are now working to increase access to the drug

A recent poll reveals Florida voters’ opinions on marijuana use for medical and recreational purposes

Medical Marijuana Being Prescribed by Doctor – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Africa Studio A recent poll provides insight into how voters feel about marijuana use, both medically and recreationally. According to the findings of this latest survey, legalizing recreational marijuana on the ballot in 2016 might prove challenging. More than 840,000 Florida residents currently

Recreational marijuana proposal in Florida clears its first hurdle

Large marijuana grow operation – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Canna Obscura Supporters of a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize marijuana for recreational use have cleared a first obstacle to appear on the ballot in 2024 by submitting a sufficient number of petition signatures to warrant a review of the proposal by the Florida

The Sunshine State prepares to issue 22 additional medical marijuana licenses

Medical marijuana – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by BestStockFoto The state’s health authorities finally moved to grant up to 22 more medical marijuana licenses on Monday after years of delay, which could double the size of Florida’s marijuana sector. Additionally, the state Department of Health released an emergency rule that would significantly increase the cost

Florida recreational marijuana ballot measure gets pushback from industry

Prescription Marijuana – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Brian Goodman A proposed ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana in the Sunshine State in 2024 has caused an uproar within the industry, displaying ongoing divides over how adult-use markets should be structured. The initiative was filed recently with the Florida Division of Elections and has secured

Thanks to code change, Naples could soon see medical marijuana dispensaries

Medical Marijuana Being Prescribed by Doctor – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Africa Studio As of now, medical marijuana dispensaries have not been welcomed in Collier County, but that could change in a few months. Collier zoning staff have been drafting an amendment to the county’s land development code to allow these dispensaries to run

Medical Marijuna Business Booming in Florida During Pandemic

Image by Stay Regular from Pixabay  The cannabis business is thriving in Florida despite the COVID-19 numbers rising by the day. Many businesses have been affected negatively by the pandemic and the ongoing measures being put in place to help stop the spread of the virus. This is all according to AltMed, the parent company