Spend a Day at Solomon’s Castle

Solomon’s Castle in Ona, Florida, USA. Flickr/Richard Elzey Just 90 minutes away from Tampa is Solomon’s Castle, a 12,000 square-foot structure that stands in the swamps and backroads of Florida. It was built by a sculptor named Howard Solomon. Solomon began building his castle in 1972 after having moved back from the Bahamas seeking a

Exploring Florida’s Resident Ghost Town

Beautiful beach on Indian Key, Florida, USA. Photo and Caption: JMcQ/Shutterstock.com Indian Key Historic State Park in the Florida Keys is another one of those hidden gems that not even resident Floridians know about, much less visit. The island was once home to the bustling town of Indian Key but now remains an uninhabited ghost

St. Augustine Named One of the Top 10 Historic Towns in America

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay  According to USA Today, St. Augustine, Florida was voted as the #8 Best Historic Small Town.  St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement in North America. It was initially founded by Spanish pioneers in 1565 as an operating base for expanding further into the continent. The

Florida Ranks 26 on List of Highest Makeup of Military Personnel Among the 50 States

Flag of the State of Florida on a military uniform. Photo and Caption: Bumble Dee/Shutterstock.com Florida may not be a place you think of when you hear of the military. But did you know that Florida has over 50 military bases, with more active military members that make up 317 out of every 100,000 people

Florida Residents Pay 3rd Highest Wine Taxes in the Country, Says New Report

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay  If you like to drink wine and happen to be a Florida resident, listen up: you’re paying almost $3 per gallon in state wine taxes for your rosé!!! According to a new analysis from the Tax Foundation, Florida wine drinkers pay the equivalent of $2.25 per gallon in state wine

Billion-Dollar Reservoir for Florida Everglades Thanks to Federal Contract

Image by emisoo2 from Pixabay  A federal bill worth $1.6B gives the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authority to begin planned water development projects, including a reservoir for the Everglades. The 10,100-acre, $1.6 billion Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) reservoir project would begin as planned under a bill adopted by the U.S. House. The Water Resources

Where to Catch the 5 Best Sunsets in Florida

Image by David Frampton from Pixabay  St. George Island The St. George Lighthouse. Photo: www.floridasforgottencoast.com Dr. Julian G. Bruce St. George Island State Park is a beautiful 22-mile barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico. Located just off North Florida’s Gulf Coast, St. George Island is one of the last inhabited yet unspoiled barrier islands

Python Parasite is Wreaking Havoc on Florida’s Native Wildlife

Burmese python. Image by skeeze from Pixabay  A lung parasite is negatively affecting the Burmese python population of Florida as well as Florida’s native snakes and animals. New research out of the University of Florida shows the pythons spread a parasite also known as Raillietiella orientalis to Florida’s native snakes, and now the native snakes

The History of the Florida Temple Orange

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay  In honor of its 100th birthday in Florida, we are celebrating the Temple tangor, also known as the Temple orange. The tangor name comes from the “tang” in tangerine and “or” as in orange. The tangor is a citrus fruit hybrid of the mandarin orange and the sweet orange. 

Florida Gets Its First Aquatic Preserve in More than 30 Years

Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay  In case you didn’t know, Florida has its own Nature Coast and aquatic preserve. That’s right.  It’s also the first new aquatic preserve in Florida in more than 30 years.  Governor DeSantis approved protections for the new 400,000-acre Nature Coast Preserve on Monday, June 29. DeSantis has made water quality