How the UAW strike will impact consumers

Ford Logo – Source: Ford

On September 14, 2023, at midnight, approximately 150,000 members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, who build domestic cars for manufacturers like Ford, went on strike. The automobile industry is preparing for a significant effect due to the strike’s size and the fact that it is the first time in UAW history that all “Big Three” Detroit automakers have been targeted simultaneously. Following the strike, the following effects will be felt by customers looking to buy a new car:

It is anticipated that domestic automakers will stop producing cars, trucks, and SUVs, which will limit the supply of inventory. Additionally, pricing may change as a result of inventory fluctuations. Finding a specific new model for a customer may become more difficult, especially if they have rigid preferences for trim, color, or certain features. Due to the disruption caused by production lines stopping, an extended strike may severely restrict these options.

The same concept applies to used cars–as the inventory wanes, market availability and prices will reflect said changes. Stay tuned on Wayne Akers Ford social media to stay up to date with the latest news regarding ongoing inventory changes and more.

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