Preventing playground burns in your children on sunny Florida days

Playground set — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Trong Nguyen

Families are getting ready for more beach days, pool outings, and, of course, playground adventures as temps climb around Central Florida.

But parents should be aware of a hidden risk that comes along with the warmer weather: playground equipment can burn children’s sensitive skin in a matter of seconds, even on days that are just moderately warm.

Seminole County’s Parks and Recreation manager, Bill Pandos, stresses the need for parents to exercise caution when letting their kids run wild on playgrounds, particularly on hot days.

He suggests that before allowing the equipment to operate, “check a couple of surfaces out there, especially if it’s a sunny day and it’s in the middle of the afternoon.” “Some materials wear off depending on their age, making those components hot to the touch and potentially burn.”

Pandos advises parents to check the equipment’s temperature with their hands by putting them on different surfaces. He cautions that playground equipment can get as hot as 128 degrees Fahrenheit, or even higher on really hot days, which might seriously hurt youngsters who aren’t careful.

When it comes to playground excursions, timing is everything. To reduce the chance of burns, Pandos advises choosing times of day that coincide with low solar intensity, such as early mornings or late afternoons.

Because of the absorption and radiation of heat by atmospheric gases, playground equipment is most likely to get dangerously hot during the peak heat hours, which are normally between noon and 4 p.m.

If there is an unfortunate burn, you must act quickly. Pandos suggests getting medical help right away and applying ice or cool water to the injured region for ten to fifteen minutes. For an additional layer of protection against burns, he also suggests dressing kids in long pants and sturdy shoes like sneakers.

In the end, playgrounds are beloved places for kids to play and interact with each other, but parents need to watch out for their kids, especially in the summer. Families may help guarantee that their children enjoy their outdoor experiences safely and without incident by taking the initiative to monitor the temperature of the equipment and schedule outings correctly.

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