An endangered Bornean orangutan birth at Florida’s Busch Gardens

Cheetah Hunt rollercoaster at Busch Gardens, FL — Courtesy: Shutterstock — VIAVAL TOURS At Florida’s Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, an endangered Bornean orangutan newborn has entered the world. The young orangutan, which weighed slightly over three pounds (1.3 kilograms), was delivered by cesarean section on Saturday, according to park officials. After her surgery, Luna, the

When will Florida see its solar eclipse in 2024?

Solar eclipse – Courtesy: Shutterstock by aeonWAVE The complete solar eclipse that will occur on Monday, April 8 is only a day away. The Great North American Eclipse’s path of totality will begin in the South Pacific Ocean between Mexico and New Zealand, cross into Oklahoma from Mexico, and then proceed northeast (diagonally) across the

Manatees in Florida have an addiction to power plants. Researchers are easing them off

Manatees — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Image by: Lukasz Machowczyk Manatees in Florida were driven from warm springs to power plants by pollution. Their new built homes are disappearing as the state moves toward renewable energy. On the Gulf Coast of the state, close to Apollo Beach, the huge, gray, barnacled Florida manatees idly float close

It might soon be against the law to let go of a balloon in Florida: Explanation of balloon release bans

Woman releasing balloons – Photo: Song_about_summer/ Florida may soon impose fines for willfully launching a balloon into the sky if the state is successful in tightening its regulations around littering. It’s a component of a larger initiative that includes legislation in at least eight other states to safeguard wildlife, birds, dolphins, and turtles from ingesting

Amidst an ongoing mortality crisis, about 1,000 manatees gathered at a record-breaking number at a Florida state park

Manatees Close-Up Portrait – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Andrea Izzotti Manatees in Florida have been fighting for their lives for the past few years, but a few days ago, the species provided a piece of more positive news from one state park. A few dozen miles north of Orlando, in Blue Springs State Park,

The largest known deep-sea coral reef, larger than Vermont, has been mapped off the coast of Florida

Coral reef – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Goinyk Production The largest coral reef in the world is located hundreds of miles off the Atlantic coast of the United States, and scientists have mapped it. Although some coral has been known to exist off the Atlantic coast since the 1960s, its exact quantity was unknown

New study identifies several potential invasive species in Florida

Invasive species alert sign — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Image by: Jules Johnson A study headed by scientists at the University of Florida sought to identify species that might be invasive to the state.  The group of specialists examined 460 species, comprising scientists, government entities, and nonprofits. Based on their propensity to establish and proliferate throughout

A very uncommon white alligator is born in Gatorland

White alligator born in Gatorland (Not pictured) — Courtesy: Shutterstock — You Touch Pix of EuToch A Florida park with an alligator theme has given birth to an extremely uncommon kind of white alligator and is currently asking the public for suggestions on a name. The pale leucistic gator had just broken out of its

Records are broken by sea turtle nests on U.S. beaches in Florida

Sea turtle hatchlings on beach – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Julian Wiskemann Thousands of sea turtles have spent the last few months making the arduous journey from the ocean to beaches in the United States to deposit their eggs, just as they have done for millions of years. Despite mounting concerns about the challenges

A newly discovered species of snail was discovered close to Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville

Margarita Snail (Not pictured) found in Southernmost Point Continental USA at Key West, Florida. The picture shows the famous landmark of the southernmost point of the USA. Photo and Caption: Dennis Kartenkaemper Near the home of citrus margaritas, a new species of snail that resembles a vivid, citrus-colored species was found off the coast of