Florida gas pumps are running out of gas and prices are skyrocketing amid pipeline hack

Retro “No Gas” sign – Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by Everett Collection Florida is feeling the heat at the pumps this week as dozens of gas stations across the state face fuel outages and hour-long lines. It’s almost as if it were a scene pulled right out of the normal hurricane prep outages every year.

Florida Agriculture Commissioner vows to crack down on gas pump skimmers with new legislation

Courtesy: Shutterstock – Image by AOME1812 In an effort to combat gas pump skimmers, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried has vowed to crack down on the thieves that have catapulted Florida to the top of the fraud charts in America. At a press conference held outside of a RaceTrac gas station, the agriculture commissioner highlighted

Florida Gas Price Average for Holiday Season was lowest in years but climbs to highest since pre-pandemic figures

Courtesy: Image by IADE-Michoko from Pixabay According to AAA Florida Auto Club, Florida’s average gas prices reached their highest level in the past week since the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns began in March earlier this year. Despite the scary thought of “highest price” in actuality, prices are still relatively low. As of December 28, 2020, Florida’s