Conservatives hit DeSantis on national abortion ban

Abortion Rights Protest — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Bob Korn

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was chastised on Monday by the conservative organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America for evading a question on whether he would support a federal ban on abortion.

“A pro-life president has a duty to protect the lives of all Americans,” SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement.

“Gov. DeSantis’s dismissal of this task is unacceptable to pro-life voters. A consensus is already formed. Intensity for it is palpable and measurable.”

In an effort to gain an advantage over former President Trump in the 2024 Republican primary, DeSantis has been vigorously campaigning in Iowa and courting Christian voters there.

DeSantis recently told Megyn Kelly, a commentator, that he will be a “pro-life president and I’ll come down on the side of life.” DeSantis signed into law one of the most stringent abortion laws in the nation.

“I’m going to be a leader with the bully pulpit to help local communities and states advance the cause of life, but I really believe right now in our society, it’s really a bottom-up movement and that’s where we’ve had the most success,” DeSantis said during the interview.

In response, Dannenfelser stated that advocating for abortion limits in the face of congressional opposition “is where presidential leadership matters most.”

According to a statement from DeSantis’ campaign, he “delivers results and acts, especially when it comes to protecting life.” The campaign also refuted the criticism.

“This unjustified attack on him is another example of the D.C. political games that have seen conservatives falter in Washington while Gov. DeSantis has produced unmatched conservative victories in Florida,” press secretary Bryan Griffin said in a statement.

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