Protests in Florida Peaceful Despite Weekend Riots

Protesters gathered in downtown Orlando to show support for George Floyd on Saturday, May 30, 2020. George Floyd died after a confrontation while in police custody on Monday, May 25, 2020. Photo and Caption: Ira Bostic/ Protests have erupted across the Sunshine State and nationwide after the May 25 death of George Floyd, a black

The History of the Matheson Hammock Name

Aerial view of Matheson Hammock Park in Miami, Florida, USA. Photo: Abel Santamarina/ South Floridians, may be familiar with Matheson Hammock Park, or simply “Matheson Hammock” as it is referred to by the locals, but did you know that Matheson was named after a real person? The name comes from a man named William John

“Giant” Lizard Established as an Invasive Species in Florida

Argentine black and white tegu. Photo and Caption: Stan Kirkland/Florida FWC/ The culprit is what is known as the Argentine Black and White Tegu and it is posing a real threat to wildlife in Florida and Georgia. The Argentine Black and White Tegu is the largest lizard of its species. It can grow up to

St. Pete Pier Closed Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19 Outbreak

Photo: The St. Petersburg Pier will remain closed until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic. The City of St. Petersburg gave an original grand opening date of May 30 but fears about spreading the novel coronavirus forced the City to postpone the reopening of the Pier until proper phased guidelines are announced by

Florida’s Rare Blue Bee Rediscovered in Central Florida’s Lake Wales Ridge

A photo of Florida’s ultra-rare Calamintha Bee, as seen while being observed by researchers in central Florida in spring 2020. Photo: Facebook/Florida Museum/Chase Kimmel/Jaret Daniels/ Caption: The Sunshine State’s iconic wildlife includes the American alligator, the Florida panther, the scrub jay and the manatee, and now, the ultra-rare Blue Calamintha bee. The rediscovered

Don Shula, Former Miami Dolphins Head Coach, Dies at 90

Former Miami Dolphins head coach Don Shula is greeted on the field by former players during half time at an NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019, in Miami Gardens, Florida, USA. The 1972 undefeated team was celebrated on the field. Photo and Caption: AP Photo/Brynn Anderson/ Don Shula was the

The 5 Best Hidden Restaurants In Florida

Dixie Crossroads in Titusville, Florida, USA. Photo: If during these times you find your mind wandering about dining out again, you may want to head into these five hidden gems found all around Florida! From seafood to sandwiches to the Dessert of the Day, all of these restaurants are not well-known but may have

Florida Aquarium’s Knobby Cactus Corals’ Birth Signifies Hope to Help Save the World’s Third Largest Coral Reef

A knobby cactus coral. Photo: Tina Sotis/ A species of coral reef has been bred in human care for the first time, a breakthrough that scientists in Florida say may help slow the decline of coral reef die-off. The ridged cactus coral reproduced for the first known time in a lab setting at the Florida

Cicada Bugs Are Going to Be Swarming in Florida This Spring and Summer

Florida has a large variety of great natural sounds to look forward to. In fact, according to entomologists, 2020 might just bring about more cicadas than we are used to in Florida. We have our fair share of bugs here and they can be a nuisance, but sometimes, they can make nature beautiful with their

The Sun Will Come Out for Florida’s Tourism Industry Despite COVID-19 Shutdown

Downtown Miami, Florida, USA, and the port, seen from MacArthur Causeway at sunset. Photo: Dreamframer/ Florida’s economy depends heavily on travel and tourism. We all know that. It’s a scary time right now to even think about it but in the long run, this pandemic will affect our travel and tourism industry more than we