Space Florida — Courtesy: Shutterstock — Image by: athlux
The board of Space Florida, the state-run organization in charge of promoting the aerospace industry, has approved nearly $60 million for upgrades to the Launch Landing Facility (LLF) and has decided to move forward with vendor solicitations on two other unnamed projects that are expected to create dozens of jobs.
The $41.4 million that was approved for the LLF’s development was increased to $58.8 million as part of a 2013 NASA contract that Space Florida was given management and operation of. The Middlesex Corporation, BRPH Engineers Architects, Inc., Michael Baker International, Inc., RUSH Construction, Inc., and Neoverde Holdings, LLC are a few of the project’s suppliers who will receive the funds.
Space Florida’s board, chaired by Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez, moved forward with two other projects in which companies who are unnamed are poised to create jobs and invest millions in exchange for tax incentives as well.
In order to assist with the design of an equipment facility in Santa Rosa County for “Project Davinci,” the board approved a request for proposals for architecture, engineering, construction administration, and construction management services. The contracts’ maximum value was approved at $2.1 million. By 2025, the firm working on that project hopes to have 50 new, average-paying positions worth $80,000 per year, for a total investment of $40 million.
The board also approved a consent agreement with Airbus OneWeb Satellites Florida for “Project Constitution” as part of a commitment to bring over 100 jobs to the Space Coast. The board gave its approval in February to a deal to acquire finance for up to $60 million in equipment purchases, construction, and lease and sublease agreements. The unnamed company intends to invest $90 million in engineering, high-end equipment, and construction in order to generate 100 new employment by 2025, with an average yearly income of $100,000.
In order to persuade aerospace companies to grow and relocate to Florida, Space Florida assists them in obtaining finance as well as tax discounts and deferments. The current budget provided $12.5 million to the organization.
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Melissa’s career in writing started more than 20 years ago. Today, she lives in South Florida with her husband and two boys.