Florida Panthers at FLA Live Arena — Courtesy: Shutterstock — YES Market Media
The Stanley Cup should be waterproof, hopefully.
In less than twenty-four hours, the Florida Panthers won their first championship in the team’s thirty-year history, defeating the Edmonton Oilers 2-1 in Game 7 of the NHL Stanley Cup Final. Despite the short turnaround time, the winners are still having fun and taking the prize with them.
The Panthers poured beer into the opening at the top of the Stanley Cup after the game, making it less of a trophy and more of a cup. After that, players took turns getting a face full of alcoholic beverages that were spilled from the Cup.
The Panthers traveled to Fort Lauderdale the next day to carry on with their title festivities. The team held an after-party at Matthew Tkachuk’s house, the Stanley Cup’s first trip.
The Elbo Room, a mainstay of the Fort Lauderdale scene and a personal favorite of Tkachuk’s, was the next stop.
According to Tkachuk, “I visit this place frequently.” “Though I haven’t quite gone to bed yet, everything is well. Though I’m a little exhausted, I’m ready to go since I’ve found my second wind.
Initially, the pub was only frequented by the team’s players, but soon several hundred supporters joined the Panthers to partake in the excitement.
Tkachuk and colleague Sam Bennett complied, dousing jubilant fans in beer from the bar’s second-floor balcony.
After that, the squad headed down to Fort Lauderdale Beach with the Cup and a few hundred supporters. Obviously, dipping the trophy in saline water is the greatest approach to remove the sticky feeling left by alcohol. The Panthers actually took that action.
The Panthers have only just started their celebratory tour. The official championship procession is scheduled to begin on Sunday at Riomar Street at 11 a.m. ET and terminate at Las Olas Oceanside Park, which is located just across from the Elbo Room, on Fort Lauderdale’s beach.
But before Sunday’s parade, don’t be shocked if you see the Stanley Cup in a few more locations.
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Born and raised in South Florida, Krystal is a recent graduate from the University of Miami with professional writing experience at the collegiate and national news outlet levels. She’s a foodie who loves all things travel, the beach, & visiting new places throughout Florida.